Tucker Method
I'm not stubborn, my way is just better

About Me

I've been an athlete my entire life.  I have been a coach for the last 26 years and have been educated and utilizing massage as a recovery modality for the past 30 years.  I have dedicated my life to the longevity of the human experience and this is dependent upon achieving the maximal performance of the human body which is naturally capable.  Massage, Good Nutrition, Adequate Rest and Recovery are essential to ensuring that the body is capable of healing itself.

Through my years I have learned from traditional apprenticeships and applied knowledge as well as advanced education programs.  I am a Certified Massage Therapist with Advanced Certifications in Neuromuscular Therapy, Cupping Therapy and Sports Massage.  I am a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Sports Nutrition Coach, Barbell Rehab Method Certified Coach, with advanced learning in bodybuilding and fitness nutrition.  I also have over 26 years of experience in mental health and behavior modification techniques.